We are West African Containers Agencies!

West Africa Containers Agencies Ltd is a company incorporated under the companies code of Ghana 1963 and has been in existence since 2003.

Our focus at WACA is International Freight Forwarding offering complete logistics to our domestic and international clients. Proud members of the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA) strive to achieve the highest standard of quality in the shipping arena. With years of experience and an expanded range of services, WACA is ideally placed to meet any transport challenge, now and in the future.

Our Mission

  • Deliver Environmentally Responsible Client Services
  • Provide Employees with an Attractive Working Environment
  • Be an Active Community Partner
  • Maintain High Ethical Standards
  • Drive Continuous Improvement

Our Vision

  • Freight Security
  • Air & Ocean Cargo Insurance
  • Our highly efficient customs brokerage
  • Clearance and compliance service
  • We ensure complete security

Our Services

At WACA, our comprehensive and cost-effective service guarantee your cargo will be delivered on time. We are dedicated to satisfying each client’s need, from a single carton to shipload. WACA can handle any size order, and get it to any destination with the flexibility to meet your distribution needs in both commercial and residential delivery.

Our customer services representatives will treat you in a ‘kindly’ manner. Operation groups will ‘humbly’ serve your documentation needs while our account office will  ‘majestically’ walk you through your bill. Here you will experience what our many clients have come to term ‘the King’s delight’ which include; reduced administration costs and reliable on-time service.

Reach your destination 100% sure and safe
